Our Products

The Core Experiential Learning STEM Curriculum

We offer 7 to 10 experiential learning modules for each grade and each module encapsulates the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math concepts integrated into the overarching challenge articulated to inspire students.

einSTEM has designed an immersive, integrated, interdisciplinary, experiential learning STEM curriculum for grades 4 - 10 students in the form of challenges and projects that are based on problems of our present and future world. Our unique structured STEM curriculum provides students with a comfortable understanding of salient concepts through hands-on practical tool kits all geared either as part of the school timetable or an after-school activity catalyzed by peer-to-peer group learning.

As a package we ensure that commensurate toolkits, teacher manual, student worksheets, pre and post assessment are included.

The concept is broken down into week-wise blocks to address intelligently crafted mini-challenges. Experiential hands-on learning in a group setting enables peer-to-peer debate accentuating the grasp of concepts.

Experiential learning activities

Cyclone ◓

Students will learn about the devastating effects of wind and rain on buildings and the environment, and how these can be mitigated by applying scientific principles.

Architecture Form & Function Resiliency Geometry Engineering Design Process

Farm to Table ▣

Students learn about the urban farming revolution, how plants can be grown in cities, and the impacts urban farms can have on their communities.

Problem Solving Irrigation Photosynthesis

Archimedes Principle ✜

Students learn problem solving to create a raft, boat, plank or floating structure to ferry fellow students to safety while they are trapped in a flood situation.

Principals of Density Shape Volume Floating/Sinking Surface Tension Buoyancy Surface Area Pressure Mass

Taxonomy ☵

Students will learn about the role of natural selection in evolution and examine how the use of biotechnology may alter that relationship.

Engineering Design Process Taxonomy Evolution Adaptation Biotechnology Debate

What sets us apart?

Our pedagogy is experiential and problem-based and entails easy to follow hands-on challenges broken down into weekly blocks. Our curriculum is designed by leading scientists and industry experts, and we provide regular content updates, teacher training, orientation and certification.

There is constant hand holding so the schools feel confident and served with the goal of ensuring teachers can easily complete their syllabus and students genuinely learn and get inspired to innovate.

“Our Secret Sauce”

Each Module is thoughtfully crafted with an overarching Challenge drilled further into sub-challenges dwelling on relevant grade-wise Science or Math concepts intertwined with Engineering and Technology. The assimilation of true knowledge results from solving complex real-world problems such as those contained in each Module where the SMEs have meticulously ensured that students relate comfortably to situations which are authentic, applicable, and actionable.

einSTEM Products

  • STEM Boost

    Experiential Learning as an After School Activity

    The einSTEM curriculum can be offered as an After School Activity to students. Depending on the grade, there can be 30 to 40 sessions of 75 minutes each that can be completed between 7 and 10 months over the course of an academic year.

  • STEM Advance

    Experiential Learning as part of the School Syllabi

    In another version, einSTEM offers a structured framework of IP/ copyright protected STEM curriculum modules aligned to school syllabi implemented as part of the school time-table from Grade 4 to 10. The school is at liberty to introduce a STEM curriculum in all grades through a year - long program under a contract.

  • teacher training

    Future-ready STEM Teacher Training Courses

    Experiential Learning Outside the School Environment

    einSTEM organizes teacher training workshops conducted either by US trainers or Master Trainers prepared by US experts over 5 full days. The teachers realize how easy, convenient and logical the STEM strategy is to fulfill their obligation of timely completing their syllabus, students achieving good marks/grades, truly understanding the Science and Math concepts, acquiring capability towards application and harnessing creative talent.

  • Center of Excellence

    Experiential Learning Outside the School Environment:

    einSTEM also offers its proprietary curriculum to private sector operators to run the experiential learning activities offsite aimed at school students. einSTEM will franchise the curriculum and its proprietary processes to qualified individuals who would like to run these programs as franchisees.