General FAQs:

  • STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning that encompasses science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It is designed to foster inquiring minds, logical reasoning, and collaboration skills by providing hands-on, practical education. The approach is based on seven standards of practice, which include learning and applying content, integrating content, interpreting and communicating information, engaging in inquiry, engaging in logical reasoning, collaborating as a team, and applying technology.

  • STEM education is becoming increasingly popular due to the growing demand for professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. As technology continues to advance and shape our world, it is essential for individuals to have a solid foundation in STEM subjects in order to succeed in today's workforce. Additionally, STEM education is seen as a way to address the skills gap and promote innovation, both of which are crucial for economic growth and development. As a result, many schools and organizations are investing in STEM programs to ensure that students have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the 21st century.

  • einSTEM is a STEM learning solutions organization that provides immersive, integrated, interdisciplinary, experiential learning STEM solutions to Grade 4 - 10 students in form of challenges and projects that are based on problems of our present and future world. We focus on a versatile age and grade appropriate STEM curriculum rather than robotic gizmos, off-the-shelf shrink-wrapped tool kits or even pre-designed kits.

  • Experiential learning is a type of learning that is based on experience and reflection. It involves learning by doing, rather than simply reading or listening to information. Experiential learning can take many forms, such as hands-on activities, simulations, internships, and group projects. The idea behind experiential learning is that people retain information better when they are actively engaged in the learning process and are able to reflect on their experiences. This type of learning can be particularly effective in developing skills and knowledge that are applicable to real-world situations.

  • einSTEM offers 7 to 10 experiential learning modules for each grade and each module encapsulates the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math integrated into the overarching challenge articulated to inspire students. As a package we ensure that commensurate toolkits, teacher manual, student work sheets, pre and post assessment are included. The concept is broken down into week-wise blocks to address intelligently crafted mini-challenges. Experiential hands-on learning in a group setting enables peer-to-peer debate accentuating the grasp of concepts. Modules are regularly updated / upgraded to maintain the uniqueness of curriculum.

  • All learning content and instructions are available on einSTEM’s learning management system for use by students, teachers and school administrators. However all experiential learning activities are done in person in the classroom or a lab space.

  • einSTEM programs for students in grades 4 – 10 can be delivered either as part of the school timetable if the school wishes to do so or as an after-school activity (like a club). Depending on the grade, there can be 30 to 40 sessions of 75 minutes each that can be completed between 7 and 10 months over the course of an academic year.

  • einSTEM introduces middle and secondary school students (grades 4-10) to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) by immersing them in integrated, inter-disciplinary, hands-on challenges and projects that are based on problems of our present and future world. STEM modules encourage students to invent and be inspired. They, in fact, help students to way better understand the concepts of Math and Science thus assisting teachers to reach their goals and preparing students to become problem solvers and creative out-of-the-box thinkers to boldly and successfully face and resolve constantly emerging global challenges. The course tends to break down the barriers between subject areas that are often present in a traditional school schedule.

FAQs for Students:

  • einSTEM is meant to complement the school curriculum and provide a deeper understanding of the STEM concepts through experiential learning. You might find overlaps in your curriculum but our intention is not to complete the school curriculum but to augment it.

  • You will enroll in these programs through your school either as an after-school activity or you might take these programs as part of the school timetable. Each week you will attend one session of 75 minutes devoted to learning a STEM concept. There are approximately 7 to 10 modules that are further broken down into 4 or 5 sessions. In each of these sessions you will work in groups on a real world challenge and find solutions to these problems by using the limited resources provided to you by einSTEM. Upon completion of the modules you will share your findings with the rest of the class and relevant concepts of STEM will be addressed. So you learn the theory or principles from the practice and because you engaged in experiential learning you will be able to remember these concepts and apply them in real world even at a later stage.

  • Cyclone: Students will learn about the devastating effects of wind and rain on buildings and the environment, and how these can be mitigated by applying scientific principles.

    Farm to Table: Students learn about the urban farming revolution, how plants can be grown in cities, and the impacts urban farms can have on their communities.

    Archimedes Principle: Students learn problem solving to create a raft, boat, plank or floating structure to ferry fellow students to safety while they are trapped in a flood situation.

    Taxonomy: Students will learn about the role of natural selection in evolution and examine how the use of biotechnology may alter that relationship.

  • Yes, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from your school and einSTEM. Additionally, we are also working on getting these certificates recognized by a leading university for science and technology in the United States.

  • Depends on how the school implements it. You will pay for After-School activities but if the programs are taught as part of the school timetable, then most likely the school has paid for it on your behalf.

  • No, they do not. We are reviewing the feasibility of credit transfer at this moment.

FAQs for Teachers:

  • einSTEM offers three levels of STEM teacher training programs: Basic Level: 15 hours, Intermediate Level: 22 hours and Advanced Level: 30 hours.

  • We cover topics such as coding, electronics, 3D design, robotics, scrap science, aerodynamics, embedded languages, app design, pedagogy, curriculum design to name a few.

  • einSTEM organizes teacher training workshops conducted either by US trainers or Master Trainers prepared by US experts over 5 full days in a boot camp style. Alternatively, these sessions can also be offered over multiple weeks, keeping in mind the workload of teachers. These classes are offered synchronously online for teachers and subject to feasibility they can also be offered in person.

  • Yes, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from your school and einSTEM. Additionally, we are also working on getting these certificates recognized by a leading university for science and technology in the United States.

  • The teachers realize how easy, convenient and logical the STEM strategy is to them fulfilling their obligation of timely completing their syllabus, students achieving good marks/grades, truly understanding the Science and Math concepts, acquiring capability towards application and harnessing creative talent.

FAQs for School Administrators:

  • Students and teachers will have access to all the learning content on einSTEM’s learning management system. However all the activities will be done in person given the experiential nature of our programs.

  • The role of teachers shifts from being an instructor to a facilitator. They will need to familiarize themselves with the modules and the requirements of the activities. This is not an instructional model of pedagogy, so the role of the teacher is more of a facilitator and will guide the students in their experiential learning activities.

  • All einSTEM programs come with a list of materials and supplies required for the experiential learning activities. Either the school will procure these materials or einSTEM can assist in procuring these resources for a cost.

  • We expect that most programs for a grade will take between 30 – 35 weeks if the classes are conducted once a week. We recommend that these be spread over two semesters.

  • Yes, they can be offered as boot camps in summer and completed in two weeks.

  • The school will bill the students and collect fees from the students and remit to einSTEM its’ share as licence fee.

  • einSTEM will provide the school with a structured framework of IP/ copyright protected STEM curriculum modules aligned with the syllabi / school system and also train and orient schoolteachers or other staff to facilitate these sessions in the school premises as an After School Activity. Additionally, einSTEM also provides all the materials needed for experiential learning activities in the classroom. Administrators, teachers and students will also access all learning and facilitation materials online on the einSTEM learning management system.

FAQs for Franchise Operators:

  • A franchisee should demonstrate reasonable credentials in the field of education, especially the K-12 segment. They should demonstrate access to a safe and purposeful facility where STEM activities can be conducted and access to funding to run the STEM center.

  • einSTEM will provide the franchise operator with a structured framework of IP/ copyright protected STEM curriculum modules aligned with the syllabi and train and orient staff hired by the franchise operator to facilitate these sessions in the premises of the franchise operator as an After School Activity. Additionally, einSTEM also provides all the materials needed for experiential learning activities in the classroom. Administrators, teachers and students will also access all learning and facilitation materials online on the einSTEM learning management system.

  • einSTEM will provide job descriptions for staff needed to facilitate the STEM experiential learning sessions and review the applications for such jobs but the ultimate responsibility of hiring staff and managing them will be the responsibility of the franchise operator.

  • Yes, the franchise operator should share a detailed description of activities that they will undertake to promote the einSTEM programs in the community including any social media and digital marketing approaches.

  • 3 years.

  • The franchise operator will pay a pre-agreed franchise fee that will be tied to the student enrollment. Please contact einSTEM team for further details.

Unlock the potential of tomorrow's innovators with STEM today